Commodity or Community?

In this day and age, information rests at your fingertips. From Google to Instagram, there is no shortage of influencers ready to sell their products and people ready to be influenced. The overkill of information in the media can leave even the most passionate of consumers feeling desensitized. The coffee industry is no exception to the rule, boasting high profile brands as the greatest in the game. I mean, coffee is coffee. It doesn’t matter where or who you buy it from as long as it ends up in your cup every morning, right? Absolutely not. While coffee is one of the most popular and sought after commodities in the world, not every shop deserves your allegiance. How do you distinguish between the shops that go above and beyond and those that don’t? Town Coffee Company has come up with two major questions guaranteed to help you do just that.

What is the Mission of the Company?

When deciding whether or not a company is worth your hard-earned money, make certain that their mission aligns with your values. A company that cares about their products and where they come from will want their consumers to care, too. Does their mission aim to make the world a healthier, happier and more stable place? The Covid-19 pandemic has given rise to many small businesses that have made it their goal to aid in creating a better world for all who live in it. Town Coffee Company stands in solidarity with these organizations and has adopted a mission statement that includes the following:

●       We will provide a great product at a fair price.

●        We will consider everyone in the process a partner and treat them fairly to accomplish our mutual goals.

●        We will consider our environmental footprint.

●       We will work to provide opportunities for economically disadvantaged people.

●        We will align our activities toward achieving a common purpose of a shared and durable prosperity for all.

How does the Company Give Back?

The acts of purchasing goods and giving back are not mutually exclusive activities. If coffee is a regular item on your grocery list, make sure you are actively purchasing from a company that makes it a priority to donate to notable causes. A good way to find out whether or not your favorite supplier does this is to refer to the following organizations:

●       1% for the Planet

○       This organization works to accelerate smart environmental giving. Town Coffee Company is proud to have been verified as the 3,420th member of 1% for the Planet. As a member of this organization, businesses choose to donate a sales percentage to the organization as a whole, or to a specific and pre-approved cause. To search a directory of organizations certified with 1% for the Planet, click here.

●       Certified B Corporations

○        Any business that is a Certified B Corporation has pledged to meet the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance, public transparency and legal accountability to balance profit and purpose. Out of only 3,822 companies worldwide, Town Coffee Company is one of them. To search a directory of Certified B Corporations, click here.


Becoming certified with B Corporations or 1% for the Planet is no small feat for any business. In every industry imaginable there are companies ready and willing to give back nearly every penny they receive. Take time to learn about and support these companies. Share their missions and products with all who will listen. Businesses have the responsibility to provide the community with economically, socially and environmentally friendly options. Here at Town Coffee we believe that the love of coffee is universal. Enjoy the process of making and serving specialty coffee that gives back to the world in a major way. We offer medium and dark Arabica roasts that will help you create that ideal flavor and experience without ever leaving your home! You shouldn’t have to choose between enjoying your coffee and saving the world. Let us at Town Coffee do that for you one cup of joe at a time.



Town Coffee Company: Who We Are and What Makes Us Different

