Smithsonian Certified Bird Friendly Coffee: What it is and Why it’s Important

Enjoying a morning cup of coffee and saving the planet are not mutually exclusive activities. At Town Coffee Company we make it easy to do both. We are excited to introduce our newest specialty coffee: The Smithsonian Certified Bird Friendly Coffee. What does it mean to be bird friendly? Why is it important? Let us tell you. 

What is Bird Friendly Coffee?

The Bird Friendly gold standard was founded using Smithsonian conservation science  and does more than other eco-friendly seals to protect the natural wildlife habitat. This kind of coffee originates from farms that utilize a combination of foliage cover and biodiversity to maintain healthy habitats. The farms that produce special bird friendly coffee must adhere to strict rules, including leaving the forest intact and growing crops below a shade canopy. Doing this upholds the natural habitat for the birds and each kind of wildlife that resides there.

What Makes Bird Friendly Coffee Different?

The method of farming used to create this specialty coffee is the antithesis of the "slash and burn" method in which farmers cut and burn the rainforest to grow crops. This drains the soil of nutrients and forces the farmers to repeat the process, damaging the environment around them. These slash and burn techniques emit a large amount of carbon dioxide, which only aids in permanent deforestation. Though we know this is bad for the environment, many agricultural farmers still rely on this method: Bird Friendly coffee does not.


Why Choose Smithsonian Bird Friendly Coffee?

●       You Make a Difference

○       When you choose to drink Bird Friendly certified coffee, you single handedly help to create a more biodiverse and sustainable world. These efforts help to protect many species of birds, from the rainforest native toucan to the North American birds that fly south for the winter.

●       It is Special Edition

○       In bean form this coffee isn't super widely available, meaning we may not have it in stock year round. More and more farmers are adopting the idea of Bird Friendly coffee, but it will take some time to become fully mainstream.


Here at Town Coffee we believe that the love of coffee is universal. Enjoy the process of making and serving specialty coffee that gives back to the environment in a major way. We offer medium and dark arabica roasts that will help you create that ideal flavor and experience without ever leaving your home! Stay tuned for information on our newest coffee, the Smithsonian Certified and Bird Friendly blend! Help us change the world, one cup of coffee at a time.

